Optimizeit! Java profiler  

The Ultimate Java Performance Profiler

Optimizeit delivers a powerful Java profiling solution that allows you to track down and solve performance issues such as memory leaks and performance bottlenecks in any Java programs.

Optimizeit 3.0 Professional makes your Java profiling process easier by giving you the most comprehensive and accurate information on how your Java programs use CPU and memory.
What you get is clear, real-time data and easy-to-read graphs allowing you to rapidly pinpoint performance problems such as performance bottlenecks, excessive object allocations or memory leaks right down to the responsible line of code.

Optimizeit combines scalability and ease-of-use in a complete profiling solution, well-suited to handle any type of Java environment, including servlets, EJBs and complex server-based Java applications.

Web application server integration allows you to instantly profile application server environments including BEA WebLogic, Sun|Netscape Alliance iPlanet, ServletExec of New Atlanta Communications, Apache JServ, Apple Computer WebObjects, Allaire Jrun, Sun ServletRunner and JavaWebServer.

Check out what makes Optimizeit 3.x Professional the leader in Java performance profiling and try it today!

Visit www.optimizeit.com for info on new releases!

Optimizeit at a glance:

Memory leak debugging
Optimizeit's unique object reference graph automatically highlights the object references that should be cleared so that objects can be garbage collected. This powerful feature allows you to easily track and resolve memory leaks.

Track excessive object allocations.
Optimizeit's unique memory profiler gives you a complete view of object allocations and allows you to focus on the difficult-to-track temporary objects.

Spot performance bottlenecks.
Optimizeit 3.0 Professional is the only profiler to offer both sampling and instrumenting capabilities, so you can tune CPU/time measurement to the most efficient level of detail for each test session - while maintaining a low overhead. 

Web application server integration
Instantly profile popular application server environments to track potential performance problems in yourJava applications. Resource filters allow you to filter out resources used by some packages, classes or method that belong to an application server or a toolkit.

Ease of use and flexibility
Optimizeit is easy to install and offers all of the features that fit the requirements of testing sessions:
- Supports most JDK 1.1 and Java 2 based virtual machines with no customization
- Is available for Windows NT, 95/98, Solaris 2.5 to 2.7 and Linux 2.x.
- Provides an API to control profiling directly from source code
- Export data and graphs as ASCII and HTML

Intuitive Systems, Inc. Tel: 408 245 8540 Fax: 408 245 8541 info@intuisys.com www.optimizeit.com
Copyright © 1998-2000   Intuitive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.   TM Solaris and Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.   TM OptimizeIt is a trademark of Intuitive Systems, Inc. All other brand names and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.